Filters, effects, styles, and artwork
Last updated 7/26/2011
Paint Daubs
The Paint Daubs filter makes an image appear painted. You can set the brush size, image sharpness, and brush types.
Panel Knife
The Panel Knife filter reduces detail in an image to give the effect of a thinly painted canvas that reveals the texture
underneath. You can set the stroke size, stroke detail, and edge softness.
Plastic Wrap
The Plastic Wrap filter renders a layer as if it were coated in shiny plastic, accentuating the surface detail. You can set
the highlight strength, plastic wrap detail, and plastic smoothness.
Poster Edges
The Poster Edges filter reduces the number of colors in an image according to the posterization option you set, finds
the edges of the image, and draws black lines on them. Large broad areas of the image receive simple shading, while
fine dark details are distributed throughout the image. You can set the edge thickness, edge intensity, and
Rough Pastels
The Rough Pastels makes an image appear as if it were made with rough strokes of pastel chalk on a textured
background. In areas of bright color, the chalk appears thick with little texture; in darker areas, the chalk appears
scraped off to reveal the texture. You can set the stroke length, stroke detail, and texture. Texture options make images
appear as if they were painted onto textures, such as canvas and brick, or viewed through glass blocks.
Smudge Stick
The Smudge Stick filter softens an image using short diagonal strokes to smudge or smear the darker areas of the
images. Lighter areas become brighter and lose detail. You can set the stroke length, highlight area, and intensity.
The Sponge filter paints a layer with highly textured areas of contrasting color. You can set the brush size, image
definition, and edge smoothness.
The Underpainting filter paints a layer as if it were on a textured background. You can set the brush size, texture
coverage area, and texture options. Texture options make images appear as if they were painted onto textures, such as
canvas and brick, or viewed through glass blocks.
The Watercolor filter paints an image in a watercolor style, simplifying details in an image by using a medium brush
loaded with water and color. Where significant tonal changes occur at edges, the filter saturates colors. You can set the
brush detail, shadow intensity, and texture.