Selecting parts of an image
Last updated 7/26/2011
Intersect With Selection Replaces the saved selection with the intersection between the current selection and the saved
You can also modify a saved selection by loading it and using selection tools to add to it (Shift-drag) or subtract from
it (Option-drag). (See “Add to or subtract from a selection” on page 89.)
Modify a new selection with a saved selection
1 Open a photo that contains a saved selection.
2 Make a new selection in your photo.
3 Choose Select > Load Selection.
4 Choose a saved selection from the Selection menu.
5 Select one of the following operations:
Add To Selection Adds the saved selection to the current selection.
Subtract From Selection Subtracts the saved selection from the current selection.
Intersect With Selection Replaces the current selection with the intersection between the current selection and the
saved selection.
6 To invert the selected area, select Invert and click OK.