Adding text and shapes
Last updated 7/26/2011
3 Select additional type options (See “Type tool options” on page 235), and enter your text.
The type selection border appears in the image on the active layer.
Warp type
Warping allows you to distort type to conform to a variety of shapes; for example, you can warp type in the shape of
an arc or a wave. Warping applies to all characters in a text layer—you cannot warp individual characters. Also, you
can’t warp faux bold text.
Text layer with warp applied
1 Select a text layer.
2 Do one of the following:
• Select a type tool, and click the Warp button in the options bar.
• Choose Layer > Type > Warp Text.
3 Choose a warp style from the Style pop-up menu. The style determines the basic shape of the warped text.
4 Select an orientation for the warp effect—Horizontal or Vertical.
5 (Optional) Specify values for additional warping options to control the orientation and perspective of the warp
• Bend to specify the amount of warp.
• Horizontal Distortion and Vertical Distortion to apply perspective to the warp.
6 Click OK.
Unwarp type
1 Select a text layer that has warping applied to it.
2 Select a type tool, and click the Warp button in the options bar; or choose Layer > Type > Warp Text.
3 Choose None from the Style pop-up menu, and click OK.
Change the orientation of a type layer
1 Select the text layer in the Layers panel.
2 Do one of the following:
• Select a type tool, and click the Flip Orientation button in the options bar.
• Choose Layer > Type > Horizontal, or choose Layer > Type > Vertical.