Working with files
Last updated 7/26/2011
Install actions created in Photoshop
The Action Player in the Automated Actions Guided Edit can play actions created in Photoshop. Keep in mind that
you can only play actions that use features supported in Photoshop
❖ Copy the .atn file to the following location, System library/Application Support /Adobe /Photoshop Elements
/8.0/Locale/en_US/Workflow Panels/actions.
The next time you start Photoshop Elements, the action appears in the Automated Actions Guided Edit menu.
The Line Drawing Guided Edit
For more information on the features used in Line Drawing Guided Edit, see “Precisely convert to black and white”
on page 123, “About Levels adjustments” on page 110, “Add Noise” on page 192, and “Adjust saturation and hue” on
page 119.
The Old Fashioned Photo Guided Edit
For more information on the features used in the Old Fashioned Guided Edit, see “Using the Effects panel” on
page 173, “Specify the opacity of a layer” on page 61, and “About Levels adjustments” on page 110.
The Saturated Slide Film Effect Guided Edit
For more information on saturation adjustment, see “Adjust saturation and hue” on page 119.