Last updated 7/26/2011
Add a custom pattern to the pattern picker
1 Do one of the following:
• To create a pattern from part of the image, make a rectangular selection with Feather set to 0 pixels.
• To create a pattern from the entire image, deselect everything.
2 Choose Edit > Define Pattern.
3 Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Name dialog box.
4 To deselect the original selection, choose Select > Deselect.
More Help topics
“About selections” on page 80
Use a preset pattern from the PostScript Patterns folder
Each preset file in the PostScript Patterns folder contains a single pattern in the Adobe Illustrator format. You can scale
these patterns at any resolution.
1 Choose File > Open.
2 Navigate to Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0/Presets/Patterns/PostScript Patterns.
3 Select the pattern file you want to use, and click Open.
4 When the Rasterize Generic EPS Format dialog opens, click OK to proceed.
Choose Select > All, or make a rectangular selection around the pattern with Feather set to 0 pixels in the options bar.
6 Choose Edit > Define Pattern From Selection. The pattern is defined as an Adobe Photoshop Elements pattern.
7 Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Name dialog box, and click OK.
More Help topics
“Use the Preset Manager” on page 232
About gradients
You fill an area with a gradient by dragging within the image or by selecting with the Gradient tool. The distance
between the starting point (where you first press and the mouse button) and ending point (where you release the
mouse button) affects the gradient appearance, as does the gradient type.