Working with files
Last updated 7/26/2011
6 Under Image Size, select Resize Images if you want each processed file resized to a uniform size. Then type in a
width and height for the photos, and choose an option from the Resolution menu. Select Constrain Proportions to
keep the width and height proportional.
7 To apply an automatic adjustment to the images, select an option from the Quick Fix panel.
8 To attach a label to the images, choose an option from the Labels menu, then customize the text, text position, font,
size, opacity, and color. (To change the text color, click the color swatch and choose a new color from the Color
9 Select Log Errors That Result From Processing Files to record each error in a file without stopping the process. If
errors are logged to a file (to a location that you specify), a message appears after processing. To
review the error
file, open with a text editor after the Batch command has run.
10 Click OK to process and save the files.
Close a file
1 Do one of the following:
• Choose File > Close or File > Close All.
• Choose Command W to close the file or Option+Command W to close all files.
2 Choose whether or not to save the file.
Managing and organizing files
View or add file information
The File Info dialog box displays camera data, caption, and copyright and authorship information that has been added
to the file. Using this dialog box, you can modify or add information to files saved in Photoshop
Elements. The
information you add is embedded in the file using XMP (Extensible Metadata Platform). XMP provides Adobe
applications and workflow partners with a common XML framework that standardizes the creation, processing, and
interchange of document metadata across publishing workflows. If you have metadata that you repeatedly enter for
different files, you can create metadata templates to expedite the adding of information to files.
You cannot edit the information displayed for the Keywords, Camera Data 1, and Camera Data 2 metadata categories.
1 With an image open, choose File > File Info.
2 Click the Description attribute to display specific information. In Description, you can add or modify the document
title, file authorship, caption, caption authorship, and copyright information. Type in the appropriate text boxes
and click
OK to embed the information. For copyright status, choose from the Copyright Status menu.
Use the Info Panel
In the Full Edit workspace, the Info panel displays file information about an image and also provides feedback as you
use a tool. Make sure the Info panel is visible in your work area if you want to view information while dragging in the
1 Display the Info panel by clicking its title bar if it’s in the Panel Bin. If the Info panel isn’t visible in the Panel Bin
or the work area, choose Window
> Info to display the panel.
2 Select a tool.