AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
Chapter 7: Device Configuration 121
Alternatively a multi-machine approach can be used in which multiple BSD‟s are loaded
in the same process space. This architecture allows the simulator sessions to pass packets
back and forth without the need for a mediator. Running without a mediator isolates the
simulator sessions from the real network. For more information on running multiple
simulator instances in the same process, see Section 5.3, Multi-Machine Support, on page
Figure 7-33 illustrates multi-machine communication of simulator sessions without a
Figure 7-33: Multi-Machine Communication without a Mediator
7.24.1 Simulated Link Negotiation
A link will appear connected in the guest system when one of the following occurs:
A mediator connection has been established.
There is at least one other NIC BSD running in the same process, and are aware
of each other.
When a new mediator connection string has been specified, a one-shot link negotiation
will take place within the simulator. Depending on whether a connection was made with
the mediator, the link will appear to be connected or disconnected on the guest. If the
mediator was killed and has since been restarted, then the user will need to perform a
“linkConnect auto”, to restart link negotiation.
Similarly, in a multi-machine setup, the first simulator session will also need to perform a
“linkConnect auto” to ensure that the initial guest sees that other simulator peers have
been connected.
When neither of the above conditions is met, the link appears disconnected in the guest.
It may be necessary to re-start link negotiation via “linkConnect auto”. This will cause
BSD #1 (Machine 1)
BSD #2 (Machine 2)
BSD #3 (Machine 3)