
AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
250 Appendix A
1 simnow>
This copies all files from “C:\tmp“ into the root of the JumpDrive. Any subdirectories are
also copied.
1 simnow>jumpdrive.importdir c:\tmp \
Importing c:\tmp\test.bin ---> \test1.bin
62.89 Mbytes Available
This example shows how to import all “*.exe” files from “C:\tmp” into the root of the
1 simnow>jumpdrive.importdir c:\tmp\*.exe \
Importing c:\tmp\app1.exe ---> \app1.exe
Importing c:\tmp\app2.exe ---> \app2.exe
62.60 Mbytes Available
This example shows how to export the app1.exe” file from the root of the JumpDrive
into C:\tmp” on the host.
1 simnow>jumpdrive.exportfile \app1.exe c:\tmp\
Exporting \app1.exe ---> c:\tmp\app1.exe
To find out what is already stored in the root of the JumpDrive device, enter the
1 simnow> jumpdrive.dir \
Directory of: \
<DIR> tmp
103936 test.bin
103936 app1.exe
103936 app2.exe
62.60 Mbytes Available
To get information about how much space is left on the JumpDrive device, enter the
1 simnow>jumpdrive.free
62.60 Mbytes Available
To save the contents of the JumpDrive to the image file “C:\test.img” on the host‟s hard-
disk, enter
1 simnow>jumpdrive.saveimage c:\test.img
This example shows how to load the saved JumpDrive image “C:\test.img” from the
host‟s hard-disk into the JumpDrive
1 simnow>jumpdrive.loadimage c:\test.img