AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
246 Appendix A
Enables (1) or disables journaling for specified volume.
AddJournal <Vol #> [ <Journal
file> ]
Creates a journal for the given volume number (For file-
based journal: raid.addjournal 0 i:\c0d0j1.jrn; for in-
memory journal: raid.addjournal 0).
ResizeJournal <Vol #> [ <Old
Journal> <New Journal> ]
Resizes the journal for the given volume to the new
journal parameters.
Commit copies back the modified data blocks from the
journal to the disk image and clears the journals.
Clears the volume - discards any changes made to the
Deletes the journal added last for that particular volume.
Status [ <Vol #> ] [-v | -r]
Displays the status for the RAID device or a particular
volume. -v option displays details regarding the
statistics of performance meters implemented in the
RAID device, while -r option resets the performance
SetDBC <Entries> <Depth>
<Block Size>
Set the parameters for disk block cache (For e.g.,
raid.setdbc 32768 5 512.
SetJournalParameters <Super Block
Size> <Index Block Size> <Index
Levels> <DiskBlock Size>
Set the Journal Parameters (For e.g.,
raid.setjournalparameters 8192 512 3 512).
Displays the Journal parameters.
A.7.24 DIMM
1 simnow> dimm.usage
Enables (1) or disables (0) the PDL Error Simulation. If
enabled then the DIMM device monitors PDL settings
for all RAM reads.
Returns enabled if PdlErrorSim is enabled; otherwise it
returns disabled.
OutOfRangeResp (0xFF | invert)
The „Out of Range Response‟ selection specifies how
the data should be altered if a PDL is out of range. The
0xFF option specifies that the return data should be
forced to all ones. The Invert option specifies that the
return data should be a bitwise inversion of the valid
Returns the specified options set by OutOfRangeResp.
The SMB Base Address entry selects the 8-bit address
that this DIMM device responds to. The SMB address is
used for the reading of DIMM SPD data.
Returns the specified SMB Base address.
ImportSPD <DimmNo> <fullpath>
ImportSPD provides the option of loading SPD ROM
data to DimmNo from the file specified by “fullpath”.
The file format is an unformatted binary image, with an
extension of “.spd”.