
AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
232 Appendix A
Automation Command
Swap {X86Sim Processor | AweSim
Switches CPU model from X86Sim to AweSim
or the other way around.
HasModule <module>
Returns „true‟ if module is present; otherwise it
returns „false‟.
Returns the 0 based index of which VGA device
is currently being displayed in the GUI. Only
useful if more than one VGA device is active
within a BSD file.
SetDisplayIndex <n>
Sets the 0 based index of which VGA devices
output is to be displayed in the GUI. Only
useful if more than one VGA device is active
within a BSD file.
Provides a "WAIT UNTIL STOPPED" feature.
Provides a non-blocking "GO" command.
DisplayScreenShot <index> <filename>
“DisplayScreenShot” takes a screen shot. This
command supports multiple displays Index is a
number that identifies the desired display. An
Index of 0 means that a screen shot from display
0 will be taken. Filename is the name of the
snapshot file. The file name includes the full
pathname for the file, any valid path drive
names („C:‟) or server names (\\servername\)
can be used. If a pathname is not given the
current default path is used. Format must be one
of the formats that GetScreenShotFormats
returns (e.g., BMP or PNG).
This command gives the list of supported
formats that can be used.
LogConsoleStdErr” reports if stderr logging is
currently enabled.
SetLogConsoleStdErr <0 | 1>
"SetLogConsoleStderr" cause console logging
to go to stderr (1) or stdout (0). The default is
the current behavior of logging to stderr.
ForceSingleStep <0 | 1>
Enabled (1) or disables (0) single stepping.
XTRInstDmpFile <FileName>
Dumps instruction to file <FileName>.
LogIO <device> | <all> <feature> | reset <0
| 1>
Enables (1) or disables (0) IO logging <feature>
for <device> or <all> devices. Supported IO
logging features are: PCI, IO, IOfpdis, MEM,
MEMfpdis and GETMEMPTR. The reset
options sets the selected <feature> on <device>
or <all> devices to its default value.