AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
78 Chapter 7: Device Configuration
Selecting the System BIOS ROM option tells the memory device it is the system BIOS.
The memory device only responds to memory address ranges accompanied by a chip-
select that is generated by the Southbridge device.
Selecting Flash Mode option tells the memory device that it is configured as a flash
memory device. There are two command sequences supported by our flash memory
device - SST and ATMEL, which can be selected by the drop down below.
Selecting the Memory Address Masking option indicates that the address received by the
memory device is masked by a bit mask with the same number of bits as the size of the
memory device (e.g., a 256-Kbyte ROM uses an 18-bit mask, or it is masked by
0x003FFFF). This enables the ROM to be remapped dynamically into different memory
address ranges in conjunction with the aforementioned chip-select.
Selecting the Initialized unwritten memory to (hex): option initializes otherwise not
initialized memory, with a separate field for specifying the byte to use for initialization.
Selecting the Memory is non-cacheable option tells the system if the memory described
by the device is non-cacheable.
Figure 7-14: Memory Configuration Properties Dialog