AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
2 Chapter 1: Overview
saved, the “*.bsd” file will have grown significantly, slightly larger than the size of
simulated memory.
The graphics device supplied with the simulator is a 2D and 3D graphics card with linear
frame buffer and DirectX 6 support. AMD currently plans to provide a graphics model
with the simulator which will also have modern 3D hardware acceleration, including
Microsoft® DirectX 9/10 support.
The simulator is available in two versions: Public Release and Full Release. Table 1-1
shows the detailed feature matrix:
No 4 Gb limitation of simulated memory
Available platform definition files (BSDs)
Devices can be added and removed from platform definition files
Connecting and disconnecting devices
Ships with a variety of different CPU cores (Product Files)
Support of simulated multi-processor systems (up to 16 CPUs)
Table 1-1: Feature Overview Public Release versus Full Release
To get more information about how to obtain the full release version of the simulator
please send an email to simnow@amd.com.
Support of up to two cores.