AMD Confidential
User Manual September 12
, 2008
Chapter 10: CPU Debugger 149
bm <address> [r | w] <Pass
count> [v[b|w|d] <data>]
Creates and enables a breakpoint for the
indicated memory address. Sets the pass count
to [count], or 0 if not specified. Defaults to read
or write, but can be set to read-only or write-
only using the [r] or [w] options. [v] enables the
data <data> check capability for [b]yte, [w]ord,
or [d]ouble word memory accesses. For
example, “bm 1000 w vb c0” stands for break
when byte 0xC0 is written to memory address
Creates and enables a breakpoint for the
indicated software interrupt vector. Sets the
pass count to [count], or 0 if not specified.
bx <address> <Pass count>
Creates and enables a breakpoint for the
indicated code fetch address. Sets the pass
count to [count], or 0 if not specified. Sets the
pass count to [count], or 0 if not specified.
c[r|w] <Bus> <Dev> <Func>
<Off> [data]
Performs a PCI configuration [r]ead or [w]rite.
d[b|w|d|q] <address
Displays the contents of [p]hysical (default) or
[l]inear memory as [b]ytes, [w]ords, [d]ouble
words, or [q]uad words, or in the previous
format if not specified.
e[b|w|d|q] <address> <data
Allows the modification of [p]hysical (default)
or [l]inear memory, in [b]ytes, [w]ords,
[d]ouble words, or [q]uad words, or in the
previous format, if not specified. Data values
are entered immediately after the address,
separated by spaces.
f[b|w|d|q] <address range>
<value> [,[l|p]
Fills the given [p]hysical (default) or [l]inear
memory-range with the indicated value.
Begins or will resume CPU execution, setting a
temporary execution breakpoint on the given
h [on | off | clear |
Controls history-trace collection. [ON] enables
trace collection and clears the current trace
buffer; [OFF] disables trace collection, and
[CLEAR] clears the current trace buffer.
Specifying no arguments, or a value,
disassembles the most recent <value>
instructions executed.
Input a [b]yte, [w]ord, or [d]ouble word from
the indicated port.
Output a [b]yte, [w]ord, or [d]ouble word to the
indicated port.