About installation and cabling
Issue 9.1 June 2006 117
A 25 foot (7.6 m) Supplementary Ground Conductor is provided with the equipment, and is
constructed of 10 AWG (4.0 mm
) wire, with an insulated ring terminal crimped to one end that
is suitable for the #8 (M4) stud/screw on the rear of the G700 chassis.
The customer will need to provide a means of connecting this Supplementary Ground
Conductor to an approved ground according to Article 250 of the National Electrical Code
A ground block is available for use when multiple G700 Media Gateways are being installed.
The ground block, intended for rack mounting, has ten terminals available for terminating
Supplementary Ground Conductors. Up to ten G700 Media Gateways can be grounded at the
block installed close to the equipment (on a rack) and then a single ground conductor can be
routed from the same block to an approved ground. If the ground block is to be used, it must be
ordered separately.
DANGER: Failure to install both grounds will void the Product Safety certifications (UL and
the CE Mark) on the product, as well as allow a hazard to be present that could
result in death or severe personal injury.
Because of unreliable earthing concerns in Finland and Norway, the G700 Media Gateway must
be installed in a restricted access location. A restricted access location is defined as access that
can be gained by only Service Personnel or Customers who have been instructed about the
reasons for the restricted access and any safety precautions that must be taken. In these cases,
access to the G700 Media Gateway is gained by the use of a tool (such as a lock and key) or
other means of security.
WARNING: For Installations in Finland and Norway, the Avaya G700 Media Gateway relies
on two ground connections (mains plug with an earth contact, and a
Supplementary Ground Conductor).
What are approved grounds
An approved ground is the closest acceptable medium for grounding the building entrance
protector, entrance cable shield, or a single-point ground of electronic telephony equipment. If
more than one type of approved ground is available on the premises, the grounds must be
bonded together as required in Section 250-81 of the NEC for the US or per the local electrical
code regulations in the country of installation.
Approved grounds can be any of the following options:
● Grounded building steel
The metal frame of the building, where it is effectively grounded by one of the following
- Acceptable metallic water pipe
- Concrete encased ground
- Ground ring