Issue 9.1 June 2006 125
Section 2: G700 installation
and upgrades - wizards
This section contains procedures to install or upgrade an Avaya G700 Media Gateway
controlled by an Avaya S8300, S8400, S8500, or S8700-series Media Server, using one of the
available Avaya wizard tools. Information on connecting telephones and adjuncts to the G700 is
presented in Chapter 8: Telephones and adjunct systems
Three tools are available for your use (for the latest versions, go to http://support.avaya.com/
● Avaya Installation Wizard
See Job Aid: Avaya Installation Wizard, 555-245-754.
● Gateway Installation Wizard
See Job Aid: Avaya Gateway Installation Wizard, 555-245-756.
● Upgrade Tool
See Job Aid: Upgrade Tool and Worksheets, 555-245-757.
Note: These tools replace many normal installation or upgrade procedures in this
section. However, they do not automate all of the tasks associated with an
installation or an upgrade. Where a task or tasks must be performed manually,
this is noted in subsequent chapters of this section.
This section is organized into the following chapters:
● Chapter 3: Installing a new G700 with an S8300 using the Avaya Installation Wizard
● Chapter 4: Installing a new G700 without an S8300 using the Gateway Installation Wizard
● Chapter 5: Upgrading an existing S8300A to R3.1 using the Web pages
● Chapter 6: Upgrading an existing S8300B to R3.1 using the Upgrade Tool
● Chapter 7: Upgrading an existing G700 without an S8300 using the Upgrade Tool
Note: Manual procedures to perform these tasks have been retained for completeness,
and may be found in Section 3: G700 installation and upgrades - manual