Configure the G700
Issue 9.1 June 2006 559
Setting the LSP Transition Points
You must set the length of time that the G700 searches, in the event of a network problem, for
primary controllers (for example, additional CLAN connections) with which to register. After this
search time has elapsed, the G700 will search for an LSP with which to register. You must also
set the total time the G700 searches for either a primary controller and an LSP, after which the
G700 resets. And finally, you must define how many primary controllers, from 1 to 4, are in the
controller list you just defined.
To set LSP transition points
1. At the MG-001-1(configure)# prompt, type set mgp reset-times primary-search
where <search-time> is the time in minutes that the G700 searches for a primary
controller before looking for an LSP. The range is from 1 to 60.
2. At the MG-001-1(configure)# prompt, type set mgp reset-times total-search
where <search-time> is the total time in minutes that the G700 searches for both primary
controllers or LSPs. The range is from 1 to 60.
3. At the MG-001-1(configure)# prompt, type set mgp reset-times
transition-point <#_of_primary>
where <#_of_primary> is the number of primary controllers in the controller list. If the
primary controller is an S8500 or S8700, the range is from 1 to 4. If the primary controller is
an S8300, <#_of_primary> must be 1.
Configuring an X330 Expansion Module (If Necessary)
User Guides and Quick Start Guides for the expansion modules are available on the Avaya
Support web site:
To configure an X330 Expansion Module
1. Go to the Avaya Support web site: http://avaya.com/support.
2. In the list on under Technical Database, click on LAN, Backbone, and Edge Access
3. Under Wiring Closet & Distribution, click on P330 Stackable Switching System.
4. Click on All Documents.
5. Select the appropriate document for the expansion module you are installing.