Install New Firmware on the G700
Issue 9.1 June 2006 507
Verifying the Contents of the tftpboot Directory
Before proceeding with the G700 firmware installation, you should check the /tftpboot directory
on the TFTP server to make sure the firmware versions match those listed in the planning
documentation. If they do not, you must copy the correct firmware versions into the /tftpboot
directory using the following procedure:
1. Download the firmware files from the support Website to your laptop.
2. Using the Web Interface on the S8300 Media Server, copy the firmware files from your
laptop to the /var/home/ftp/pub directory on the S8300, or
Alternatively, you can "ftp" the files from your laptop to the pub directory.
3. Copy the firmware files from the pub directory to the /tftpboot directory, using the S8300
Media Server command line interface.
To copy firmware files to the /tftpboot directory of an S8300 Media Server, do the following:
a. Use SSH, Avaya Site Administration, or another tool to access the S8300 Media Server
command line.
b. Log in as craft.
c. At the Linux prompt, type cd /var/home/ftp/pub, and press Enter.
d. The Linux prompt reappears. The current directory has changed to /var/home/ftp/pub.
e. At the Linux prompt, type cp <firmware_filename> /tftpboot, and press Enter to
copy a single firmware file to the /tftpboot directory. To copy multiple firmware files (most
firmware files have an .fdl suffix), use the command cp *.fdl /tftpboot.
f. The Linux prompt reappears. The firmware file or files have been copied to the /tftpboot
g. Repeat step 4, if necessary, for other firmware files you want to install.
h. At the Linux prompt, type cd /tftpboot.
i. The Linux prompt reappears. The current directory has changed to /tftpboot.
j. At the Linux prompt, type ls, and press Enter.
k. A list of files in the directory appears.
l. Check the directory to make sure the firmware files you want to install are listed.
Determining which firmware to install on the G700
Conduct the following procedure to compare software versions running on the G700 processors
and media modules with the versions in you planning documents. If the versions do not match,
you need to install the new firmware for those components.