Upgrading an existing S8300B to R3.1 using the Upgrade Tool
338 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
5. When the message, "The Voice System has completely stopped" is displayed, select the
Return to Main button.
The Messaging Administration Web page is displayed.
6. From the Messaging Administration Web page, select Utilities.
The Utilities Web page is displayed.
7. Select Start Messaging Software.
The Start Messaging Software Web page is displayed. This page will display the status of
the system as it starts.
8. When the message, "Startup of the Voice System is complete", is displayed, select the
Return to Main button and do the next procedure in this document.
Verifying start up of IA770 INTUITY AUDIX Messaging
To verify operation of IA770 INTUITY AUDIX Messaging, perform the following steps:
1. In the Maintenance Web Interface, under Server, click Process Status.
2. Select Summary and Display once and click View.
the View Process Status Results screen displays.
View Process Status screen