Manual upgrade of an existing S8300A and G700 to R3.1
644 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
Note: Avaya Services personnel only: You may need to use the static craft password
at this point. The static password will enable you to log in to the S8300 with a
direct connection to the Services port without the ASG challenge/response. To
obtain the static password, call the ASG Conversant number, 800-248-1234 or
720-444-5557, and follow the prompts to get the password. In addition to your
credentials, you will need to enter the customer’s Product ID or the FL or IL
Note: Avaya Business Partners should call 877-295-0099.
Saving translations (if not using IA770 and S8300 is not an LSP)
Skip this procedure if the S8300 is an LSP, or if IA770 is being used.
CAUTION: If the system is using IA770, do not save translations at this time. Skip to
Verifying operation
on page 644. You will save translations after installing the
new IA770 software.
To save translations (S8300 is not LSP, and IA770 is not used)
1. Access the SAT command line interface using an SSH client, like PuTTY, and an IP address
2. Log in again as craft.
Note: If you see the Translation corruption message on the first SAT screen,
ignore it. Go to Verifying operation
on page 644. You will need to save
translations later.
3. Type save translation and press Enter.
When the save is finished, the system displays the message,
Command successfully completed.
Verifying operation
To verify operation
1. On the Maintenance Web Interface under Server, click Process Status.
2. Select Summary and Display once and click View.
The View Process Status Results screen displays.