Run the Upgrade Tool to upgrade the primary controller, LSPs, and G700 media gateways
Issue 9.1 June 2006 327
Run the Upgrade Tool to upgrade the primary controller,
LSPs, and G700 media gateways
This section describes the procedures to use the Upgrade Tool to upgrade the S8300 Media
Server to Communication Manager release 3.1, including its LSPs and G700 media gateways.
This procedure also applies to the upgrade of the G350 and G250-series Media Gateways and
includes the following tasks:
● Checking the current releases of all devices (optional) on page 327
● Running the upgrade on page 330
● Viewing the status of the upgrade in progress on page 332
● Installing updated authentication files on page 333
● Saving translations (only if new license and/or authentication files installed) on page 333
● Setting rapid spanning tree on the network on page 334
Checking the current releases of all devices (optional)
You should check the current releases of all devices (LSPs, media gateways, and media
modules) to verify which devices need to be upgraded. This step, while optional, can speed the
upgrade process if you find that some devices do not require upgrades.
1. On the Welcome page of the Communication Manager Web pages, select Launch
Upgrade Tool.
The Upgrade Tool Welcome page appears.
2. Select Query Versions from the menu on the left pane.
The Query Versions Select page appears.