Administer Communication Manager
Issue 9.1 June 2006 583
Identifying the Survivable Processor on the primary controller
If the primary server has LSPs, you must enter the LSP node names on the LSP form to enable
the LSPs to get translations updates from the primary controller. Once the LSPs are
successfully entered on the LSP form, their status can be viewed with the list
survivable-processor command.
Note: The LSP node names must be administered on the node-names-ip form before
they can be entered on the LSP form.
1. At the SAT command line, type add survivable-processor <name>, where <name>
is the LSP name from the Node Names screen.
The Survivable Processor screen appears.
Target socket
The threshold for the number of sockets used by this
C-LAN within the same Gatekeeper Priority as that of
other IP interfaces. If the targeted number is exceeded
on a CLAN, a warning alarm is generated. If the targeted
percentage is exceeded on an PE interface, a procr error
is generated.
Allow H.323
Enter a ’y’ to allow H.323 endpoint connectivity on this
CLAN. Enter ’n’ if you do not want H.323 endpoints to
connect to this CLAN.
Allow H.248
Enter ’y’ to allow H.248 gateway connectivity to this
CLAN. Enter ’n’ if you do not want H.248 gateways to
connect to this CLAN.
This value is used on the alternate gatekeeper list. The
lower the number the higher the priority. Valid values for
this field are one through nine with five being the default.
This field displays only if the allow H.323 endpoints field
is set to a yes on this form.
Table 38: IP interfaces field descriptions (continued)
Field Conditions/Comments
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