Working with Labels 6-33
Setting frame length
The system uses the length of the label you set in the Label Properties Size screen
to set the length of a frame.
When you do not set a length, leaving it to be automatically calculated by the
system, it sets the frame length according to the data it finds.
If you add or remove objects from the label, the system does not automatically
resize a frame. To resize the frame, you must remove the existing frame and add a
new one.
Setting Application Preferences
Application Preferences settings are very similar to System Setup settings
(described in CHAPTER 5: Setting Preferences, beginning on page 5-1). In some
applications, the Application Preferences screens allow you to set application-
specific preferences that apply to the application only. In most cases, however, the
Application Preferences tabs provide system-wide settings. In fact, several
Line width Use to set a width for the line that composes the
frame. The default is 0, which means no line
appears on the label.
If Cut out frame is enabled, the system ignores the
Line width value.
Line color Use to access the Object Color screen, which lets
you set a line color appropriate for the installed
ribbon. See Applying Color to Objectsn page 8-5.
OK Choose to signal that your settings are complete.
The completed label displays in the Editor window.
If you have set a Line width value greater than 0, a
frame of the shape you selected appears around the
outer edge of the label.
Cancel Choose to return to the Editor window, where the
label displays unchanged.