3-16 Mouse Basics
Shortcut keys
In addition to the key functions listed above, the system provides some shortcut key
combinations for frequently-used system function keys or key combinations. You
may prefer to use these shortcut keys instead of the system function keys,
especially if you are an experienced Microsoft Windows
Table 3-5 lists the shortcut keys and their definitions::
Mouse Basics
Attaching a mouse is not necessary for using this printer, but if your system is
equipped with a mouse, you can use it to select items on labels, to move items on
labels, to click buttons on screens, and to navigate on screens.
Moves the cursor to the right one character at a time. If the
cursor is at the end of a line, moves it to the beginning of the line
below. In the Editor window and in text entry fields, use to
move selected objects one character space at a time in the
direction indicated by the arrow, or use with Shift held down to
move selected objects at a greater increment.
TABLE 3-5. Shortcut keys definitions.
Ctrl + C The standard Windows “Copy” function, which copies the
selected text or object so you can paste it in another location.
Ctrl + V The standard Windows “Paste” function, which pastes the
previously copied text or object.
Ctrl + X The standard Windows “Cut” function, which deletes the the
selected object.
Ctrl + Z Undoes the previous action (when possible).
Shift +
Used to select text in a text entry field. Use also to reduce or add
to the text already selected.
TABLE 3-4. Numeric keypad keys definitions (Continued)