6-36 Setting Application Preferences
Color Norm, where you choose the appropriate color norm setting for your country
and language. Your choices vary according to your location and your organization.
For example, your choices in North America are:
z AS1345-1995 (Australia/NZ)
Setting Right-to-Know preferences
The Right-to-Know Preference tabs are:
Printing, which contains the same options as described in Printing Tab Optionsn
page 11-19.
Format, where you set the default format for subsequent Right-to-Know label files
you create.
Size, where you select the default size for the default format chosen.
Hazards List, which lists possible physical and health hazards. You add hazards or
delete them from the list. The resulting list displays on the Physical and Health
Hazards screen for all subsequent Right-to-Know labels.
Organs List, which lists possible target organs.You add organs or delete them
from the list. The resulting list displays on the Target Organs screen for all
subsequent Right-to-Know labels.
Note: In the Hazards List tab and in the Organs List tab, changes you make in
one language do not affect the listed hazards when viewed in a different language.
You must edit these lists in each language you intend to use on your Right-to-Know