7-14 Adding Objects
Creating text list labels
A classic example of variable text labels is name tags for attendees of a convention.
A sample label might look like this one;
The top line and the bottom line are the same for all labels. By listing the members’
names on a Text list, every label produced will contain a different name. The next
label will print with the next name on your Text list, and so on.
Total number Enter the total number of labels you want to
produce in this field. The default value is 1.
Hint! You can leave this field blank and instead
enter the Ending value for labels you want to
produce, and the system automatically calculates
the Total number for you.
Before sequence Enter text that you want to print on all labels in the
sequence before the sequence number or letter.
Note that text you enter here will be exactly the
same on each label.
After sequence Enter text that you want to print on all labels in the
sequence after the sequence number or letter. Note
that text you enter here will be exactly the same on
each label.
OK Press when you are ready to save your entries and
create the sequence object. Your new variable text
object appears on the Editor window.
Cancel Choose to return to the Editor window without
saving entries you made.
Hello! My name is
Jean Martin
Global Industries, Ltd.