7-12 Adding Objects
Use the options on the Sequence screen to define a Sequence variable text object
or variable bar code object for your labels.
Figure 7-7. The Sequence screen.
For example, the screen shown above defines a set of ten labels that user Jean
Martin plans to use to identify packing boxes. The labels are set to be numbered
from 1 to 10, with the text “#” before the sequence, and the text, “Jean Martin” after
the sequence.
With the information entered as shown in Figure 7-7, the system would produce ten
labels similar to this one, numbered 1 through 10 consecutively:
Figure 7-8. A sample Sequence label
Hint! Make sure the text object you define is large enough to accommodate all
possibilities in your sequence.
For instance, in the example above, if Jean Martin creates 100 numbered
labels, when the system prints the label with the number 100, the text area