3-12 Keyboard Basics
Use the arrow and navigation keypads to move around on the screen or to delete an
Note: Keys shown grayed out are inactive in this system.
Figure 3-4. Arrow and navigation keypads.
TABLE 3-3. Keypad keys descriptions
Key Description
Home Used within a text entry field to return the cursor to the left of the
first character
Delete Within an edit field on a dialog box, deletes the character at the
cursor position. If the cursor is positioned at the end of a line in a
multi-line text entry field, pressing the Delete key removes the line
End Used within a text entry field to return the cursor to the end of the
text (that is, in a multi-line text entry field, the cursor is placed to the
right of the last character, not at the end of a line.
Moves the cursor up one line at a time in the Enter Text screen. In
the Editor window, use to move selected objects one character space
at a time in the direction indicated by the arrow, or use with Shift
held down to move selected objects at a greater increment.