Working with Objects 7-13
may no longer be large enough for the entire text string. The text will be
cut off on the printed label.
The Sequence options are:
Starting value Enter the starting value for the sequence in this
field. You can enter any number, or a single letter of
the alphabet, but you may not mix both letters and
numbers in a single sequence. (You may, however,
enter alphabetic or symbol characters if the first
character entered is a number: for example, 1A, 2%,
3*.) The default value is 1.
Change by Enter the amount by which you want the sequence
to change on each label. A positive number
increases the number or letter of the alphabet on the
label; a negative number decreases the number or
letter of the alphabet on the label. The default value
is 1, but you can use larger increments with numeric
Note: When you use the letters of the alphabet as
the sequence, the only valid values for this field are
1 and
Ending value Enter the ending value for the sequence. Using the
Starting value, the Change by value, and the
Ending value, the system calculates the total
number of labels to be generated for the sequence,
and enters it in the Total number field. The default
value is 1.
Hint! You can leave this field blank and instead
enter the Total number of labels you want to
produce, and the system automatically calculates
the Ending value for you.