Starting Up 3-11
Arrow and navigation keypads
Space Also called Spacebar. Enters a space character or blank space
the size of a single character in text entry fields. Also, with a
radio button or checkbox, you can use the Space key as a
toggle: if the radio button is active or the checkbox is checked,
pressing Space inactivates the button or removes the check,
and vice-versa.
Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. When the cursor is
at the beginning of a line other than the first line of a text entry
or edit field on a dialog, pressing Backspace removes the line
Indicates the end of a line when entering text in a multi-line text
field. Moves the cursor down to the beginning of the next line.
On screens with entry fields, in most cases Enter is the same as
selecting Next or OK, indicating that you have completed
entries on the screen.
TABLE 3-2. Keyboard keys definitions. (Continued)