Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software
Configuring the Execution Environment
#Entry type: snmpCommunityEntry
#Format: snmpCommunityIndex (text)
# snmpCommunityName (text)
# snmpCommunitySecurityName (text)
# snmpCommunityContextEngineID (octetString)
# snmpCommunityContextName (text)
# snmpCommunityTransportTag (text)
# snmpCommunityStorageType (nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly)
snmpCommunityEntry Icomname1 comname1 ReadWriteAll localSnmpID - - nonVolatile
snmpCommunityEntry Ijammmy jammmy ReadAndNotifyToAll localSnmpID - - nonVolatile
snmpCommunityEntry admin VD6FZbov PGWInternalSignal localSnmpID - localAccess
b. If you select 20 from the SNMPD Configuration Main Menu, the Trap Destination information is
displayed, showing the changes you made:
Note The following entries are examples only.
#Entry type: snmpTargetAddrEntry
#Format: snmpTargetAddrName (text)
# snmpTargetAddrTDomain (snmpUDPDomain, snmpIPXDomain, etc.)
# snmpTargetAddrTAddress (transport address,i.e.
# snmpTargetAddrTimeout (integer)
# snmpTargetAddrRetryCount (integer)
# snmpTargetAddrTagList (text)
# snmpTargetAddrParams (text)
# snmpTargetAddrStorageType (nonVolatile, permanent, readOnly)
# snmpTargetAddrTMask (transport mask, i.e.
# snmpTargetAddrMMS (integer)
snmpTargetAddrEntry 531 snmpUDPDomain 100 3 TrapSink v1ExampleParams
nonVolatile 2048
snmpTargetAddrEntry local snmpUDPDomain 100 3 localAccess -
nonVolatile 2048
The SNMP support resource configuration is now complete. Continue to the “Configuring the Execution
Environment” section on page 4-25 to configure the execution environment. If you have questions or
need assistance, see the “Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request” section on
page x.
Configuring the Execution Environment
This section provides instructions for configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software execution
environment and contains the following topics:
• Configuring Basic System Information, page 4-28
• Specifying IP Addresses, page 4-30
• Configuring Engine Parameters, page 4-32
• Enabling Call Screening, page 4-34
• Configuring Call Detail Record File Output, page 4-35
• Configuring the Clearing Location and Default Location Parameters, page 4-36
• Configuring Switchover, page 4-39