Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A XECfgParm.dat File Parameters
Understanding the XECfgParm.dat File Format
*.SUA.maxOPCs Defines the maximum number of SUA OPCs.
Value: 64
Note Do not change this value.
*.SUA.maxRoutesPerOpcApcSsn Defines the maximum number of SUA routes per OPC,
adjacent point code (APC), and subsystem number (SSN)
Value: 2
Note Do not change this value.
*.SUA.maxSgp Defines the maximum number of SUA SS7 signaling
gateway processes.
Values: 8
Note Do not change this value.
*.SyscheckpointEnabled Enables or disables checkpointing.
• false—Disables checkpointing. Calls are not preserved
during a switchover, and status messages are not sent to
the replicator (default).
• true—Enables checkpointing. Calls that are in the
talking state are preserved and survive a control
switchover. All status checkpointing information is sent
to the replicator on the active side.
Default: false
Note If you have two Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch hosts
in a failover configuration, enter true. If you have a
standalone configuration, enter false.
*.SysConnectDataAccess Controls whether data access is enabled or disabled (if the
engine attempts to connect to the MMDB or to call screening
database at startup).
• true—Connect to MMDB or call screening database.
• false—Do not connect to MMDB or call screening
Default: false
Note This parameter must be set to true in calling
scenarios where Euro-LNP, A Number Screening, or
other features requiring real time database access are
required. Otherwise, it can remain false for an
increase in the available system memory usable for
call processing.
Table A-1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch 9.x XECfgParm.dat File Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter Definition