Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Migrating to Solaris 10 and Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software Release 9.8
Migration from Release 9.5 or 9.6 to Release 9.8 without Platform Changes
4. Remove Configuration Library Version
Enter Selection or 'q' to quit> 3
e. The menu lists available configuration files.
Configuration Versions
1. sip-upgrade-0131-3
2. sip-upgrade-0131
3. sip-upgrade-0131-2
4. sip-upgrade-0130
***Current Production Version = sip-upgrade-0131-3
Enter Selection to Copy or 'q' to go back>
f. Enter the number of the configuration you want to migrate and press Enter.
In this example, enter 2 to migrate the sip-upgrade-0131 configuration.
Text similar to the following is displayed:
Enter Selection to Copy or 'q' to go back> 2
***Start checking if migration is needed...
starting migration ...
Note Command output is truncated. Config-lib lists the related files as they are migrated to
Release 9.8.
***finish checking migration...
This operation will copy the selected version of each configuration file
from the LIBRARY to the PRODUCTION area.
Do you want to overwrite the production files (y/n)?
g. At the prompt, enter y and press Enter to copy the files to the production area.
Do you want to overwrite the production files (y/n)? y
removing data files in Production Area....
Copying data files of selected version to the data Production Area....
Completed copy
h. Enter q to exit config-lib.
The Configuration File Library Main Menu
1. List Configuration Versions in Library
2. Save Production to a new Library Version
3. Copy Library Version to Production
4. Remove Configuration Library Version
Enter Selection or 'q' to quit> q
Step 4 Perform the following steps on PGW host 2 when the file transfer is complete:
a. Enter the following command to start the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software:
# /etc/init.d/CiscoMGC start
b. Verify that all protocols are operational:
mml> rtrv-ne
mml> rtrv-tc:all
mml> rtrv-dest:all
mml> rtrv-c7lnk:all