Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Solaris 10 Operating System
Loading the Sun Solaris 10 Operating System
Step 3 Mount the CD-ROM in the cdrom directory by entering the following command:
# mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/devname /cdrom
Where devname is the device name for the primary CD-ROM drive. The following device names are
• c0t0d0s0—Device name for primary CD-ROM on a Sparc-based platform.
• c0t0d0p0—Device name for primary CD-ROM on an Opteron-based platform.
Step 4 Run the core_finish script by entering the appropriate command:
• For Sparc-based platforms: ./cdrom/core_finish/core_finish.sh
• For Opteron-based platforms: ./cdrom/core_finish/core_finish.sh
Step 5 Enter the name of your host and press Enter as prompted.
Note Entering the name of your host at this time does not set the UNIX host name value. The value
you enter here is used to set up a crash directory: /var/hostname/crash
The system returns a response similar to the following:
Start installation of core extra packages
Adding <SUNWvts>
Processing package instance <SUNWvts> from </opt/xtrapkgs>
SunVTS Framework(sparc) 6.2,REV=2006.
Using </opt> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
Installing SunVTS Framework as <SUNWvts>
## Installing part 1 of 1.
/opt/SUNWvts/lib/sparcv9/libvtsutil.so <symbolic link>
[ verifying class <none> ]
Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Installation of <SUNWvts> was successful.
Adding <SUNWvtsr>
Processing package instance <SUNWvtsr> from </opt/xtrapkgs>
SunVTS Framework (Root)(sparc) 6.2,REV=2006.
Using </> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
2 package pathnames are already properly installed.