Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software
Configuring SCP Queries
• Configuring the trigger.dat File Attributes, page 4-43
• Sample trigger.dat File, page 4-45
Do not edit trigger.dat file parameters that are not listed below, and remember that all parameters are
case-sensitive. Otherwise, your system might not work as intended.
Note The following Bellcore Standards are supported for US 800 toll-free services:
IN/1 Toll Free Service support: GR-1428
AIN 0.1 Toll Free Service support: GR-2902
Before You Start
If you are changing an ANSI query and you need a different Translation Type, you need to know the
Translationtype value from the Global Title Translation tables on the Signal Transfer Point (STP). Get
this value from the administrator of your STP.
Modifying trigger.dat file parameters with provisioning commands
You can use the prov-ed:inservice command to modify the trigger.dat properties without editing the file
directly. The command allows you to modify the service key, global title or subsystem number, global
title format, or message sending name.
mml> prov-ed:inservice:name=”ansi-ain-800-npa”,skortcv=4,gtorssn=”ROUTEBYGT”,
For more information about the prov-ed:inservice command, refer to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch
Release 9 MML Command Reference.
Configuring the trigger.dat File Attributes
Note The trigger.dat file is not overwritten during software installation. All changes to the trigger.dat file are
contained in a file called trigger.template that is installed with the new software. If you modify the
trigger.dat file after installing a new software release, you need to view the trigger.template file and copy
any changes in that file to your trigger.dat file.
Caution Improper editing of the trigger.dat file can cause service interruption and prevent the
Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch from correctly performing SCP database queries.
You can configure the following Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch trigger.dat file attributes to perform a
Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) query:
• Translation Type