Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Installing the Sun Solaris 10 Operating System
Loading the Sun Solaris 10 Operating System
SUNWrge..........................done. 3.26 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWroute........................done. 2.94 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWrpcib........................done. 2.79 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWrsgk.........................done. 2.72 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWsolnm........................done. 2.70 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWsshcu........................done. 2.27 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWsshdr........................done. 2.20 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWsshdu........................done. 1.79 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWspnego.......................done. 1.68 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWsshr.........................done. 1.57 Mbytes remaining.
SUNWsshu.........................done. 1.00 Mbytes remaining.
Completed software installation
Solaris 10 software installation succeeded
Customizing system files
- Mount points table (/etc/vfstab)
- Unselected disk mount points (/var/sadm/system/data/vfstab.unselected)
- Network host addresses (/etc/hosts)
- Network host addresses (/etc/hosts)
- Environment variables (/etc/default/init)
Cleaning devices
Customizing system devices
- Physical devices (/devices)
- Logical devices (/dev)
Installing boot information
- Installing boot blocks (c1t0d0s0)
- Updating system firmware for automatic rebooting
Installation log location
- /a/var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (before reboot)
- /var/sadm/system/logs/install_log (after reboot)
Installation complete
Executing SolStart postinstall phase...
Executing finish script "patch_finish"...
Finish script patch_finish execution completed.
Executing JumpStart postinstall phase...
Executing finish script "any_finish"...
any_finish started with SI_CONFIG_DIR = /tmp/install_config
any_finish completed
Finish script any_finish execution completed.
The begin script log 'begin.log'
is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot.
The finish script log 'finish.log'
is located in /var/sadm/system/logs after reboot.
syncing file systems... done
SC Alert: Host System has Reset
Probing system devices
Probing memory
Probing I/O buses