Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Appendix A XECfgParm.dat File Parameters
Understanding the XECfgParm.dat File Format
*.RedirectingATree Used to control A-number screening/analysis via A-digit
tree. This parameter allows the analysis system to use the
A-Digit tree for mapping to the BLACKLIST function on the
Redirecting CLI value. It uses the A-Digit tree to allow for
black screening on the redirecting number parameter
included in the Initial Address Message (IAM).
Currently, when the parameter MDLANumberScreening is
set to 1 in the XECfgParm.dat file, screening is done on the
redirecting number. This works when screening individual
numbers but does not allow block ranges to be screened, as
is the case when using DialPlan Screening in the Digit Tree
Use an editor such as vi to manually add the
*.RedirectingATree parameter to the XECfgParm.dat file in
the following file locations and set its value:
Valid values:
• 0—Default. Indicates the Calling Party Number
(CGPN) that will be used for A-number
screening/analysis via A-digit tree.
• 1—Indicates that the Redirecting Number should be
used for A-number screening/analysis via A-digit tree if
the incoming signaling message contains both the CPN
and Redirecting Number or just the Redirecting
Note This property is only effective when BLACKLIST is
provisioned. If Screening is data filled and this
property is set to 1, then Redirecting Number is used
for screening. However, if result types other than
BLACKLIST/SCREENING are encountered when
Redirecting Number is used during A-number Tree
Analysis, an alarm RedirectingNbrFail
(informational alarm) is generated.
*.SelectTermCustGrpId Applies only to Nailed Solutions. If this parameter is not
defined, it defaults to False.
If this parameter is set to True and CUSTGRPID of the
Originating Leg SigPath is 0000, then you must select
CUSTGRPID of the Terminating Leg SigPath.
If this parameter is set to False, you should always select
CUSTGRPID of the Originating Leg SigPath.
Default: False
Table A-1 Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch 9.x XECfgParm.dat File Configuration Parameters
Configuration Parameter Definition