Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.8 Software Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Configuring the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software
Configuring SCP Queries
Configuring the Translation Type Attribute
Perform the following steps to configure the Translation Type (translationType) attribute:
Step 1 Back up the trigger.dat file.
Step 2 Determine the Trigger Number that you need to edit. You can get this information from your network
Step 3 Navigate to directory /opt/CiscoMGC/etc.
Step 4 Open the trigger definition file in an ASCII text editor and search for the string $TriggerTable.
Step 5 Starting after the $TriggerTable line, count the number of rows equal to the TriggerType beginning from
the number 1.
Note Do not count any row that is blank or that begins with a pound sign (#).
Step 6 When you find your row, note down the second number in that row. This number is the index to the
$MessageSending table.
Caution You must verify that column 2 is equal to 2 or 3 before changing Translation Type. If column
2 is not equal to 2 or 3, this is not an ANSI trigger and Translation Type is not used.
Step 7 Edit the file as follows:
a. In the $MessageSending table, select translationType, in column 5 (see Table 4-6).
b. In the table for your translation type, change the value for translationType to a value from 0 through
255. You can get this information from your network administrator.
Step 8 Save your changes and close the editor.
Step 9 For your changes to take effect you must reboot the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch by entering the
following command:
# /etc/init.d/CiscoMGC start
Note If you have installed the Solaris DiskSuite package (CSCOh023) on your system, the messages
below are displayed during system boot-up. They are normal Solaris DiskSuite start-up
messages and do not indicate any problem with your system.
WARNING force load of misc /md-trans failed
WARNING force load of misc /md-raid failed
WARNING force load of misc /md-hotspares failed
WARNING force load of misc /md-sp failed