Valid addresses consist of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric subfields, properly called octets,
separated by dots (periods). Each octet can be numbered from 000 through 255. Leading
zeroes, up to 3 digits total per field, are optional. Values of 256 and above are invalid.
The default addresses are as follows, but if these conflict with other equipment at your
installation, you can change the addresses to any valid value:
• IP address • Gateway address
• Subnet mask
• The address fields are unavailable when DHCP is selected.
• Editing the addresses while connected via the Ethernet port can immediately
disconnect the user from the switcher. Extron recommends editing this field using
one of the RS-232 ports and protecting the Ethernet access by assigning an
administrator password to qualified and knowledgeable personnel only.
The Extron Name/Descriptor field contains the name of the matrix switcher. This
descriptor can be changed to any valid name, up to 12 alphanumeric characters.
The Mail Server Domain Name field displays the domain name that the matrix switcher
uses to log on to the e-mail server. Standard domain conventions (such as xxx.com) apply.
NOTE: Certain characters are reserved for specific functions (see Special Characters
on page 109). In the Mail Server Domain Name field, the @ character is only
acceptable as the lead-in to the domain name (such as @folklore.net).
Edit any of these fields as follows:
1. Click in the desired field. The graphic cursor becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the address or name as desired.
3. Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard or click in another field to exit the field.
4. Click the Take button to make the address change take affect.
Hardware Address field
The hardware address is hardcoded in the matrix switcher and cannot be changed.
Use DHCP check box
The Use DHCP check box directs the matrix switcher to ignore any entered IP addresses and
to obtain its IP address from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server (if the
network is DHCP capable). Contact the local system administrator to determine whether to
use DHCP.
Date, Time (local), and GMT (offset) fields
The Date field displays the current date in the Greenwich Mean Time zone.
The Time (local) field displays the current time in the local time zone.
The GMT field displays the amount of time, in hours and minutes, that the local time varies
from the GMT international time reference.
NOTE: Rather than the following procedure, your can click the Sync Time to PC button
to set the switcher to the internal time of your computer.
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • Matrix Software 116