Edit either password field as follows:
1. Click in the desired Password field. The pointer tool becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the case-sensitive password as desired.
3. Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard or click in another field to exit the Password field.
4. Click the Take button to make the password change take effect.
Mail Server IP Address field
The Mail Server IP Address field displays the IP address of the mail server that handles
the e-mail for the facility in which the matrix switcher is installed. Standard IP protocol rules
apply to the Mail Server IP address.
Edit this field as follows:
1. Click in the Mail Server IP Address field. The pointer tool becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the IP address as desired.
3. Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard or click in another field to exit the Mail Server
IP Address
4. Click the Take button to make the address change take effect.
Mail Server Domain Name field
The Mail Server Domain Name field displays the domain name that the matrix switcher
uses to log on to the e-mail server. Standard domain conventions (such as xxx.com) apply.
NOTE: The HTML language reserves certain characters for specific functions (see
Special Characters on page 109). In the Mail Serve Domain Name field, the @
character is only acceptable as the lead-in to the domain name (such as @folklore.net).
Edit this field as follows:
1. Click in the Mail Server Domain Name field. The pointer becomes a text cursor.
2. Edit the name as desired.
3. Press the <Tab> key on the keyboard or click in another field to exit the Mail Server
Domain Name
4. Click the Take button to make the name change take effect.
E-mail Addressee fields
The five E-mail Addressee fields permit the administrator to identify the e-mail addresses of
the personnel to whom the matrix switcher e-mails notification of its failure and repair status.
Figure 67 shows a typical e-mail from the switcher.
Miles Standish
From: Crosspoint/MAV/Matrix-FF-FF-09@folklore.net
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:05 AM
To: Miles Standish
Subject: Crosspoint/MAV/Matrix-FF-FF-09 - Input #10 Signal Available
Thu, 18 May 2006 10:05:07
Unit Name = Crosspoint/MAV/Matrix-FF-FF-09
Unit IP Address =
Figure 67. Typical Matrix Switcher E-mail
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • Matrix Software 118