• About this Guide
• About the CrossPoint and MAV Matrix Switchers
• Definitions
• Features
About this Guide
This guide contains installation, configuration, and operating information for the complete
Extron family of full-function, medium- and large-sized, analog video matrix switchers,
• CrossPoint 450 Plus large (matrix sizes from 24 inputs by 12 outputs to up to 32 inputs
by 32 outputs) ultra-wideband RGBHV and audio matrix switchers
• CrossPoint Ultra small (matrix sizes 16 inputs by 16 outputs and smaller) ultra-wideband
RGBHV and audio matrix switchers
• MAV Plus broadcast quality HDTV/component video, S-video, and composite video and
audio matrix switchers
About the Crosspoint and MAV Matrix Switchers
Matrix switchers distribute any input to any combination of outputs. The matrix switchers
can route multiple input/output configurations simultaneously.
The matrix switchers are single box solutions to complex wideband (CrossPoint 450 Plus
and CrossPoint Ultra, see figure 1 on the next page) or low resolution (MAV Plus, see
figure 2, on the next page) video and audio routing applications. Each input and output is
individually isolated and buffered, and any input(s) can be switched to any one or all outputs
with virtually no crosstalk or signal noise between channels.
All of the matrix switchers are available in a variety of matrix sizes (the matrix size is the
number of inputs and outputs).
CrossPoint 450 Plus and CrossPoint Ultra series switchers offer two models of each matrix
• HVA for switching RGBHV video and two-channel stereo audio
• HV for switching RGBHV video signals only
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • Introduction 1