Using Verbose Mode
Telnet connections to an CrossPoint or MAV Plus switcher can be used to monitor for
changes that occur on the switcher, such as front panel operations and SIS commands
from other telnet sockets or a serial port. For a telnet session to receive change notices
from the switcher, the telnet session must be in verbose mode 1 or 3. See the Verbose
Mode SIS command on page 109. In verbose mode 3, the telnet socket reports changes in
messages that resemble SIS command responses.
Host-to-Switcher Instructions
The switcher accepts SIS (Simple Instruction Set) commands through the rear panel
Remote RS-232 / RS-422 port, the front panel Configuration port, and the rear panel
Ethernet (LAN) Port. SIS commands consist of one or more characters per command
field. They do not require any special characters to begin or end the command character
sequence. Each switcher response to an SIS command ends with a carriage return and a
line feed (CR/LF =
), which signals the end of the response character string. A string is
one or more characters.
Switcher-initiated Messages
When a local event such as a front panel operation occurs, the switcher responds
by sending a message to the host. The switcher-initiated messages are listed below
The switcher does not expect a response from the host, but, for example, the host program
might request a new status.
(c) Copyright 20yy, Extron Electronics CP 300 450 MAV IP, Vx.xx,
{day,date, time}
— or —
(c) Copyright 20yy, Extron Electronics CP Ultra IP, Vx.xx,
{day,date, time}
The switcher initiates the Copyright message when it is first powered on or when a
connection via Internet protocol (IP) is established. Vx.xx is the firmware version number
and 60-nnnn-01 is the switcher part number.
NOTE: {day,date, time} are reported only if the connection is via the LAN port.
The switcher initiates the Password message immediately after the copyright message
when the controlling system is connected using TCP/IP or Telnet and the switcher is
password protected. This message means that the switcher requires an administrator or
user level password before it will perform the commands entered via this link. The switcher
repeats the password message response for every entry other than a valid password until a
valid password is entered.
Login Administrator
Login User
The switcher initiates the Login message when a correct administrator or user password
has been entered. If the user and administrator passwords are the same, the switcher
defaults to administrator privileges.
The switcher initiates the Qik message when a front panel tie creation has occurred.
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • Programming Guide 92