Email Settings Page
Reach the Email Settings page (see figure 87) by clicking the Email Settings link on the
left of the System Settings, Passwords, or Firmware Upgrade page. The Email Settings
page has fields for setting up the e-mail notification capabilities of the switcher. For the
e-mail settings and for each row of the e-mail notification settings, click the Edit button to
make the fields available for editing. The button changes to Save. After editing the settings
associated with the Edit/Save button, click the Save button.
Figure 87. Email Settings Page
Mail IP Address field
The Mail IP Address field displays the IP address and the domain name of the mail server
that handles the e-mail for the facility in which the switcher is installed.
Valid IP addresses consist of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric octets separated by dots
(periods). Each field can be numbered from 000 through 255. Leading zeroes, up to three
digits total per field, are optional. Values of 256 and above are invalid.
Setting up SMTP authorization
If desired, set the CrossPoint or MAV Plus to require SMTP authorization before accepting
any e-mail as follows:
1. Click Edit. The button changes to Save.
2. Check the SMTP Authorization Required check box, located below the Domain
field. This enables the User Name and Password fields below the check box.
CrossPoint and MAV Series Matrix Switchers • HTML Operation 138