Context hierarchy
Context hierarchy
CLI commands are grouped into functional contexts. The following table show the context
hierarchy and the command used to switch from the parent context:
Context hierarchy Command to switch from parent context
View context (This is the first context. No command is needed.)
Enable context enable
Config context config
WAN IP interface context interface ip wan
LAN IP interface context interface ip lan
Internet interface context interface ethernet port-2
VLAN interface context interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
LAN interface context interface ethernet port-1
VLAN interface context interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
PPTP client interface interface pptp client-default
GRE interface context interface gre <name>
Virtual AP context virtual ap <name>
Subscription plan subscription plan <name>
List of MAC addresses context mac list <name>
IPsec policy context ipsec policy <name>
DHCP server context dhcp server lan
Syslog destination context logging destination <name>
SNMP user context snmp-server user <name>
SNMP notification receiver context snmp-server notification receiver <host>
RADIUS context radius-server profile <name>
Access Controller context access controller
Default Session profile context session profile default
Session profile context session profile <name>
RADIUS remote configuration context remote configuration radius
User Profile context user profile <name>
Keychain context key chain <name>
Keys context key <number>
Active Directory Group context active-directory group <name>
Controlled Network AP context controlled network (ap <name> [<mac>]
Controlled Network context config
CN Wireless interface context interface wireless (single|dual|triple) <number>
RADIUS Profile context radius profile <profile>
Local mesh profile context local mesh group <group>
Local mesh provisioning profile context local mesh provisioning group
Provisioning connectivity context provisioning connectivity
Provisioning discovery context provisioning discovery
Syslog context syslog
Switch port context switch port <name>
Controlled Network AP Group context controlled network (group <name> [<mac>]
Virtual AP Binding context virtual ap binding <profile>
Controlled Network context config
CN Wireless interface context interface wireless (single|dual|triple) <number>
RADIUS Profile context radius profile <profile>
Local mesh profile context local mesh group <group>
Local mesh provisioning profile context local mesh provisioning group
Provisioning connectivity context provisioning connectivity
Provisioning discovery context provisioning discovery
Syslog context syslog
Switch port context switch port <name>
Controlled Network Base Group context controlled network base
Controlled Network context config
CN Wireless interface context interface wireless (single|dual|triple) <number>
RADIUS Profile context radius profile <profile>
Local mesh profile context local mesh group <group>
Local mesh provisioning profile context local mesh provisioning group
Provisioning connectivity context provisioning connectivity
Provisioning discovery context provisioning discovery
Syslog context syslog
Switch port context switch port <name>