From a command line, he issues the following command:
teamc part -checkout optics.c -release robot_control -workarea 456
-relative d:\robot\src
A copy of the part optics.c is checked out from TeamConnection and placed in the
directory d:\robot\src. If the directory name is not specified in the command,
TeamConnection uses the directory specified in the TC_RELATIVE environment
variable. Because the release is following concurrent development mode, other users
can also check out and change this part while Alex has it checked out.
Checking in the changes
Alex makes his modifications and wants to test his corrections. First, he must check the
part into the work area. He does one of the following:
From the GUI, he:
1. Selects Parts → Check in from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.
2. Types the following in the Check In Parts window, and then selects OK:
v optics.c in the Path names field
v robot_control in the Release field
v 456 in the Work areas field
v d:\robot\src in the Source directory field
Figure 27. Check Out Parts window
Chapter 6. Working with component and release processes 83