Chapter 16. Using TeamConnection to package a product
After you have built an application to your satisfaction, it is time to distribute it to users.
This chapter describes how you can use TeamConnection to help automate the
packaging and distribution steps.
TeamConnection provides the following:
v Two electronic software distribution tools:
– Gather, which moves an application’s parts into a single directory in preparation
for distribution.
– Tivoli Software Distribution, a bridge tool that automates the installation and
distribution of software or data using Tivoli software distribution tools as the
distribution vehicle.
v Two sample build scripts for connecting the Gather and Tivoli Software Distribution
tools with TeamConnection user-defined builders.
– Gather - gather.cmd which specifies the teamcpak gather command.
– Tivoli - softdist (on UNIX platforms) or softdist.exe (on Windows NT) which
specifies the teamcpak softdist command.
To use TeamConnection in packaging a product, you might do any of the following
Task Page
Setting up your application’s build tree for packaging 202
Using the teamcpak gather command 205
Writing a package file for the gather tool 208
Using the teamcpak softdist command “Using the
command with
Tivoli Software
Distribution” on
page 215
Writing a package file for the Tivoli Software Distribution tool “Writing a
package file for
Tivoli Software
Distribution” on
page 217
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