3. Writes out the list of such files into the dependency list file
For example, for a C source file, the program could report a list of all the files included
by the source file (using #include statements). For a COBOL program, COPY statements
would be the cue. TeamConnection ships a sample of a command file named
fhbopars.cmd. It is written in REXX.
Putting a parser to work
For an application to use a parser, the parser must be attached to the TeamConnection
parts that it will check for dependencies. Unlike a builder, a parser is attached to the
part rather than the output.
To attach a parser to a part, do one of the following:
v From the GUI, select Parts → Modify → Properties from the Actions menu of the
TeamConnection Tasks window. On the Modify Part Properties window, type the
name of the parser.
v At a command prompt, type the following and press Enter:
teamc part -modify part -parser name -release name
-family name
The complete syntax for this command is described in the
Commands Reference
You can also attach a parser to a part when the part is created.
Figure 55. Modify Part Properties window
178 User’s Guide