
How fix records are handled varies according to the subprocesses in effect:
Component subprocesses
v dsrDefect or dsrFeature - TeamConnection creates fix records for features
or defects when existing sizing records are accepted.
Release subprocesses
v fix - If a fix record does not already exist for the component,
TeamConnection creates one when a part managed by that component is
checked in to the database.
If neither of these subprocesses are in place and a defect or feature owner
needs to create a work area manually, he or she can create fix records at the
same time. Existing fix records go to the active state when a part is checked in
to the work area.
Fix records provide a way of ensuring that all necessary part changes within
the specified component have been made and are reviewed or inspected. The
fix record owner is responsible for this review. When the fix record owner is
satisfied that the part changes made within that component are complete and
ready for integration with other parts in the release, the owner marks the fix
record as complete. When all existing fix records for a work area are complete,
the work area automatically moves to the integrate state.
Integrate state
Work areas can be moved to the integrate state as follows. If the release
includes the fix and driver subprocesses, the work area automatically moves to
the integrate state when all fix records are complete. If all fix records are not
complete, you can force a work area to the integrate state, provided that no
part changes are associated with the work area. If the release does not include
the fix and driver subprocesses, you must move the work area to the integrate
state manually.
While a work area is in integrate state, you must add it to an existing driver as
a driver member if the release includes the driver subprocess. All work areas
in the integrate state do not have to be added to the same driver. The work
area stays in the integrate state until the driver in which it is a member is
You can move work areas from the integrate to the following states, according
the subprocesses in effect:
Release subprocesses
v driver - A work area moves to the commit state when the driver it is a
member of is committed, or to the restrict state when the driver is restricted.
You can also force a work area to the commit state, provided that no part
changes are associated with the work area.
v test - A work area moves to the test state so that test records can be
approved or rejected.
If the release does not include these subprocesses, you can manually
complete a work area in the integrate state.
46 User’s Guide