From the GUI, he:
1. Selects Defects → Verify from the Actions pull-down menu on the Tasks window.
The Verify Defects window appears.
2. Types 310 in the Defects field.
3. Selects OK.
From a command line, he issues the following command:
teamc defect -verify 310 -release robot_control
Because the component does not include the verifyDefect subprocess in its process,
the defect moves directly to the closed state.
Working in concurrent development
The previous section discussed working in a serial development environment. While
Alex had optics.c in his work area, no one else on the team could check out the part.
TeamConnection allows you to hold the part until you are sure that it integrates with the
rest of the application. Therefore, the lock is not released until the work area as a whole
is integrated with the release.
The scenario changes slightly for concurrent development. In this case, several users
can work on the same part at the same time. These users must reconcile their changes
as they integrate their work areas with the release.
Figure 20. Verify Defects window
70 User’s Guide