Appendix J. Sample REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers
This appendix is composed of the IBM-supplied REXX execs, build scripts, and parsers.
Your family administrator can modify these samples to fit the needs of your
The samples in this appendix may not be available on all platforms. Refer to the
readme file for a complete list of samples available with TeamConnection. All samples
are provided as-is and any use of or modifications to the samples are the sole
responsibility of the customer.
Sample REXX execs
This section lists the sample REXX execs that are shipped with TeamConnection. The
client.smp file contains this same listing. It is located in the bin subdirectory of the
directory where the TeamConnection client is installed.
Users running these execs must have user and host access to your TeamConnection
Most of the execs require input parameters, and some require that the TC_FAMILY or
TC_RELEASE environment variables be set. If the user who is running the script is acting
for another user, the TC_BECOME environment variable must also be set. These variables
can be set from a command line prompt.
The following convention is used to show the required, optional, and selective input
v Brackets ( [] ) indicate that the input or variable is optional.
v Braces ( {} ) indicate that one of the inputs is required.
v An input or variable that is not surrounded by brackets or braces is required.
Script name Function Inputs Environment
accComp Lists the explicit access of users in a
specified component.
componentName TC_FAMILY
compChld Lists the direct children of a specified
component. Also lists the description and
owner of each child component.
componentName TC_FAMILY
compOwnr Displays a list of component owners’
addresses in a specified family.
familyName [TC_BECOME]
compPrnt Lists the parent component of a specified
componentName TC_FAMILY
compWalk Displays the children and grandchildren of a
specified component.
componentName TC_FAMILY
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998