Example of the teamcpak softdist command
The following is an example of the teamcpak softdist command.
teamcpak -i -o "-a -n -t" softdist Client.lst
The -i parameter specifies that the input file Client.lst is to be used. The -o parameter
passes the following options to Tivoli Software Distribution:
v -a creates directories on the target.
v -n indicates that no error notices are to be sent to Tivoli Software Distribution.
v -t indicates that any existing files on the target are to be overwritten.
Writing a package file for Tivoli Software Distribution
This section describes the Tivoli Software Distribution package file keywords and their
effect on normal processing behavior.
A sample package file named client.pkf is shipped with TeamConnection. You can
customize it for your own use.
Syntax rules for a Tivoli Software Distribution package file
Follow these syntax rules when you write a package file:
v Package file keywords must appear in the order shown below.
v Package file keywords must be prefixed with a left parenthesis and must have a
corresponding balanced right parenthesis to end the scope of the keyword.
v If the value for a keyword is a string that contains blanks or parentheses, enclose the
string in double quotes.
v Default options are supplied for all Tivoli Software Distribution required Tivoli
Software Distribution options. Specific options can be set in your TeamConnection
package file.
v Comments can appear anywhere within the file. Use the characters #| and |# as
delimiters, as shown in the following example:
#| This is a comment |#
The following shows the syntax of a package file for Tivoli Software Distribution. The
keywords must appear in the order shown here. You must supply the values for the
strings that are shown in
(TARGETROOT filename)
(MANAGER ProfileManager)
(NODES "ManagedNode... PCManagedNode...")
(IMPORT filename |
[(INSTALLPGM filename)]
Chapter 18. Using the Tivoli Software Distribution packaging tool 217